Quote Guess What="Guess What"Great news.
However I don't agree with persons posting the video on here and persons unofficially leaking info on the signing on private facebook pages before the Official videomail has been sent out or some other official announcement from the club has been made. Surely the first people to see the videomail should be those signed up for it??'"
Will you get over yourself!
If only everyone could put in even 1% of the graft that micky does then this club would thrive
Do you think micky forces his camera upon JD, Nigel and others every week?
Do you think the club would rather he not carry out this unpaid work each week for not only the first team games but second team, cats etc...?
No, I didn't think so
The posts across the keighley forum recently practically slating mickeys videos are completely ridiculous and would have had a lesser man resigning from this FREE, VOLUNTARY, THAT'S - UNPAID! WORTHWHILE WORK, we have all read them so please don't start copying, quoting and questioning them, however, the above post is an unfair direct hit at a guy,
He didn't name the new guy, just alerted us of the release of JDs upcoming post, hardly a crime is it?! - if anything it didn't come quick enough as I was trying to watch TV and check my laptop for the upload
Quick message Guess What, don't like it, don't listen/watch!
Oh, thanks for all the videos tonight micky