Am i the only one who think NB has been something of a disaster for the club
He took over a team built by Sharp and given a bit of momentum by Anderson and Purtill.
He took us to a cc cup final ( but so did Sharp and i do not see him being put on a pedestal).
Since then he has built a team which frankly is not up to the task due to some poor recruitment ie filling the team with second rows and hookers and no props.
Now it is clear that Baloo has a big rebuilding of his own to do, he is not taking over a good, successful and happy team and will have to do it all again. That is what NB has left him.
He has been outhought by other coaches in a lot of big games since.
we have IMHO got worse every season.
Of course there have been some highs and great days but are we better than we were the last time Baloo was in charge.
We can all point to other positives bigger crowds and the setting up of a proper development programme but that is down to Ken's £.
NB may have helped some players develop and become better but his best successes were Lunt and Kirmond and he was quite happy to offload them.
I feel that NB has wasted Kens legacy of the last four years.
With the Full salary cap etc that was available would we have done better with Tony Smith or McGuire in charge