Quote The Chronicler of Chiswic="The Chronicler of Chiswic"Sorry, but I agree with him, the standard of SL appears to be slipping yet again.'"
Mmm. As a saints fan, I look back on the outrageously talented set of players we had on show in 2000 with mixed emotions. Yes, the standard of our team was higher then, and probably that ability for the bigger clubs to horde the lions' share of the talent made for better big games. We'd also have a dozen games a year when we'd rack up 50, mind.
We have implimented strategies through the salary cap and quota system, not only keep clubs financially secure, but to even out the competetion and to help produce a more stable, british based player pool.
Perhaps now we lack the all star line ups which we were so fond of, but in time the extra number of youngsters given the chances throughout the league [ishould[/i start to adapt the the level set by the now spread out stars.
The worst thing the RL could do (and something that that have a habit of doing) is not sticking to a well set out plan just because they don't see the benifits immediately. You can't make an omelete without breaking some eggs.