Quote cockneyboy65="cockneyboy65":evil: to the person from swinton, it was me and my son who your comments were aimed at and yes we did complain - some of the comments were a little unpleasent and should not be aimed at a 15year. my comment is if you dont like it then move . if you sat 2 rows behind and never saw it well you must have been at another game !!!!'"
Firstly I await an apology since I never said anything abusive to your son, indeed the opposite having good conversation with him along with my son who was sat behind your lad, if you read the opening line of your thread you insinuate it was myself who abused him.
Now if you or your son took exception to comments such as " does that have a silencer " or "could you not hit that with a cotton bud" then I apologise as they are the only two referances I made to him both of which brought a smile to your lads face and indeed encouraged him to bang the drum even more.I suspect that at other grounds you have attended your son will have had comments made about it.What I will say is at no point did you remonstrate with any Swinton fan for verbally abusing your son and if that had been my lad and these "comments" to which you refer but don't make public, were made I certainly would have done. Simialrly there were many stewards in attendance yet I didn't see anyone of them confront any supporter so clearly you didn't make your objections known on the day.
I reiterate that I didn't here anyone openly abuse your son, the only thing I did observe was one women having a conversation lasting two or three minutes with him at the start of the second half.
I would also point out that your lad was also happy to make his opinions known throughout the game, all of which he gave in good banter and received in good banter,certainly from those around him.
As i said, not once did you make your feelings known during the whole of the game.