Jake the Peg: I loved to see Thirkill enjoying the moment too. He must be loving the dream right now
It’s brilliant to see that’s he’s happy as we are with a win. Also it’s interesting for me that Myler is seemingly happy to keep in the background just getting on with it.
For me it completely debunks the stupid narrative that AT’s interest in Hull was some sort of favour to help Myler get ahead. He’s got the ‘skin in the game’ he wanted, and he’s chosen Myler who he trusts personally but also as someone who’s lived and breathed rugby league all his life and understands the game.
Dreamworld as a Hull fan at the moment after the last few years. While they’ve obviously invested heavily in the club, it’s not been the Koukcash etc unsustainable approach of just throwing money about at big names, seems like decent foundations are in place regardless of short term results to build a legacy.