Quote Bal="Bal"KC network is open to anybody, just like BT. It's not KC's fault that few deem Hull as worthwhile of investment in terms of providing alternative broadband services.
Have used KC for many years, having lived in Bristol and London. Speeds are great here in Hessle, and from next week I will have 100mb down and 10mb up via Fibre. I agree, the cost is a little higher than the rest of the UK, although pretty comparable to Virgin deals when you consider line rental is bundled with KC deals. But frankly if you had no competition through no fault of your own, what would be your motivation to reduce prices?'"
How much do KC charge for use of their lines? Is it in line with what BT charge, because if it is I can't see why others wouldn't be offering services here.
I'm sure you are very happy with KC if you are getting fiber. I would be too. But I can't get fiber. I won't be getting it next week. Or next month. Probably not for several years. We are in a ridiculous situation where the largest population centre has the slowest speeds while the outlying areas are on fiber. We are trying to sell ourselves as a futuristic city and the capitol of renewable energy, yet our communications system is stuck in the dark ages. Again, netindex show Hull as 826 out of 954 for home broadband, and 316 of 321 for mobile broadband [urlhttp://explorer.netindex.com/maps[/url Try putting Beverley or Brough into the search and then see if you are happy with broadband in Hull. Bristol you say? Averaging 35.43 Mbps, 235 of 954. Much better than hull.
Sorry, but KC's prices are not a little higher than Virgin, they're nowhere near. The prices I quoted earlier for Virgin (£25.99 for first 12 months and £31.49 after) include line rental. And that's for fiber speeds and unlimited downloads. KC are asking £32 for slow cable broadband with a 35GB limit, and it keeps going up in price! Lightstream is better value, but still no comparison to Virgin.
KC may not technically hold a monopoly, but as someone trying hard to find an alternative, it sure feels like one. Whisper don't cover my area and EE's 4G is shocking. My ONLY alternative is Pure, and they can't install till next year