Quote BRIGGY="BRIGGY":ROCKS: Great news everything crossed for 19th. But about this greenfield issue :- lets get everything in perspective, the implication from many peaple is that we are losing many hecteres of greenbelt land and this is just not true many hecteres of old industrial sites have been replaced by superb countryside, lacally there is the old Walton pit site and the Nostell pit site these are now full of wildlife. I have lived in crofton all my 64 years and i can tell you there is more wild countryside than there has everbeen as anyone who has visited the heronry at winterset will confirm.
As for bird life, i have been a member of the RSPB for many years and the RSPB send me a quartally magazine which informs me of many sites they have bought with money from subscriptions and believe me there,s a lot, but any bird watcher or twitcher will tell you the best places to catch a glimps of an unusual or rare bird is an old quarry or cemetry.
Onward and upward.'"
that's true Briggy.
I used to work at Nostell for twelve years, born in Crofton, brought up in Walton and lived a few years on the long row and Havercroft and to be truthful miss living there but I'm sure it will all blend in fine in a few years