I have a grainy copy of the 59//60 match which I will try and watch first, then watch the 84/85 final which is a better copy.
The 59/60 final was my first visit to Wembley and I will never forget what happened after the match (I was 18 at the time), our coach back to Wigan left at 11-30pm and most fans from the coach spent the night in the pub near Westminster bus station.
Whilst most of us waited on the coach for a few late stragglers to turn up about a dozen Hull supporters got on the coach, they could not congratulate us enough and where even passing bottles of beer round for us to have a swig.
We had a good laugh and a chat before they waved us off when we finally left.
A Memory that still lingers even after all these years.
I posted the above on the Hull board about 6pm, but looking at the compliments going about on here I decided to post on here.
In another half hour its bed time, then hit the road about 6-30 am so that I hope to be in front of the coaches.
Safe journey to everyone and may the best team win.

And hopefully that will be Wigan.