Prior to 2008 (and maybe even up to 2010) I'd have named a stand after him if we'd ever got to own our own ground, now I'd build a stand on him....Hughes's inability to accept advice from people who, a) Know what they are talking about and b) are offering the advice in the hope that London's SL club could prosper have killed this club.
Therefore, I stand in the "[iF**k off now and let us die in peace[/i" camp when it comes to this idiot.
Thought I'd add a few statistics, just to underline the magnitude of this guys idiocy.....
2008-2012 = £10,200,000 invested in the club.......turn over $20,000,000.
£1,420,000 was spent on match day costs
(The Stoop...which got cheaper as time passed whilst we took £1,450,000 in ticketed fans were covering the match day expenses.....NO NEED TO CHANGE NAME NO NEED TO MOVE)
£975,000 was spent on Marketing......this is less than £200,000 a year and deserves the results it achieved.
£2,500,000 on "administration costs"........WHAT THE F*****??????
£2,600,000 on "coaching costs"........WHAT THE F*******?????
£11,000,000 on "first team costs"......42 WINS FROM 135 GAMES?????
David Hughes has basically invested £82,000 per game over 135 games (08/12) AND HAS NOTHING, NADA, LESS THAN ZILCH to show for it. There's no development set up, the amateur scene is as transient as ever and from 2015, we will be fully blown tenants at another soccer ground with the only difference being it's a non-league soccer ground.
....don't let the door hit you on the on the way out there big fella