Quote atomic="atomic"LS,but If what you say is true,then why not put stories to sleep when the opportunity arises. Post match interviews don't add up. One Riddy is getting his groin sorted,this week knowing full well the question would come from Mark Taylor regarding the Wakey speculation,he had a very well rehed reply. Nothing whatsoever in regards to Riddy's health.
If the truth isn't being stated when the questions are asked,then what do you expect people to do,other than speculate.'"
Trouble is there's that many rumours started by so many different people (including the RL "Press") if the club went around denying them all there'd be no time to do anything else, especially as we only have a full time staff of 6 on the non playing side. Times & situations change week by week so answers will change. Ridy will be considering his situation for next season, his contract is up, he'd be daft not to & he's probably not decided what to do yet hence all the rumours & the lack of facts. He's probably not happy at no longer having a guaranteed start. However I'd expect both Ridy & Jukes to be professional enough that none of that matters with the day to day stuff. I really do think some people are desperate to see conspiracy in anything & everything & reality is nearly always a lot simpler. We'll probably hear something about Ridy's future soon enough but until (& possibly even after if it's revealed before the end of the season) then I expect Jukes to be developing his plan for the Super 8s & I expect Ridy to do what he's done for years & be a great general for our team.