Hobbo has been sound this season - although I don't think he did too much wrong last season, either. I said in the off season that we should retain him, and that if he had a good off-season, and dropped a bit of the excess he was carrying (which he seems to have done) and that NK can sort out his 'red mist' issues (which again, seems to be being sorted - remember, the sending off at Fev ended up as 'no case to answer' - which would not have been the case last season!) that he can be a stand-out forward in this division - and this is proving to be the case. Didn't someone point out that in the Whitehaven game (his best performance to date) that all our points were scored while he was on the field - and all 'havens were scored while he was off. Not sure if this is exactly true (maybe D.Parky can confirm this stat), but if it is then it highlights his contribution to the cause.
Keep up the good work Hobbo!!
[i"Ooh Ah Andy H. say Ooh Ah Andy H!!"[/i