Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"Why have you chosen the iPhone though? Are the commercials better on there or is it just easier to write for? Iphone only has 15% of the market now and Android is around double that.'"
At the end of the day, I own an iPhone and iPad and wrote it for myself to play

And it is lots of work to keep that app going and improve it, so at this stage I have no time to make an Android version as well, despite the fact that it has more market share. Market share isn't really everything. But point taken
Quote Saddened!="Richard_delariv"any chance that when you send a player in a particular direction he can just keep going? when you have to keep tapping the screen, it sometimes thinks you are double tapping for a dive. So several times when my player has been running in for a try he inexplicably goes down a yard short!
And not only does the computer never miss a kick at goal, it never concedes a penalty either. Or is the programme Australian and the referee Matt Ceccin?
At the moment, the player will run to wherever you touch (and you only have to touch once). so if you touch the 10m line, they will run to it (and a little bit over it). But I'm looking into adding a joystick and buttons, which means you can just hold the joystick down - that might make it easier.
As for the goals - yeah... lets just say computers are really good at maths. i'll fix that. Haven't gotten around to it yet. Sorry
Regarding penalties, that is a good point you make. Currently, if their players are offside, they will kind of just run away and not get involved, so you never get a penalty. But i will change it so that if they are in your way (or if you can run into them), you will get the penalty. there are a few other offside rules that need to tighten up too i think (like if you are in front of the kicker you need to leave 10m to the receiver - i think that sometimes they sneak inside the 10 and don't get caught...cheeky buggers).
Thanks for the tips!
Quote Saddened!="B.Rowlins"Is it just me being rubbish or are all kick offs/drop outs always caught on the full? Think you need to make it so that you can tackle a player into to touch and the idea of having a pass button would make it easier to play.'"
Kickoffs/dropouts are always caught on the full, if they are high enough. If you are receiving a kickoff, don't touch anything and the nearest player will automatically run to where it lands, so you too can partake in the catching-on-the-full. If the kickoff is low, or placed really well, then no, it won't get caught on the full (but a high kickoff that none catches is incredibly hard to do). Much like real rugby league in that respect (i guess 99 times out of 100 a high enough kickoff is caught on the full).
Joystick/pass button is currently being looked at. Just trying to get the implementation right. My personal pet peeve with other rugby/rugby league games is that if you want to pass back for a kick, most of the time you can't. it can only go to first receiver. Will see how i go with that, but yes it is coming.
Regarding tackling players into touch, I like the idea. Will add it to the list

thanks for the ideas!