Quote deeHell="deeHell"I find it very hard to believe Weldon Roads value is the same as funding a brand new stadium. '"
Cas were originally selling WR to a housing developer. I'm not sure on the final figure but it would be plenty, but probably not a massive amount to fund a fancy shiny new stadium in full. The latest idea is to sell to Opus who build supermarkets for the big boys. This is by far a greater value sale than what would be to a housing developer. At a guess, and I claim to be no expert, it's more of an £18m now compared to a £7m before? I've no proof on figures, but just giving you the general idea. So yes, the sale of WR to Opus would fund the new stadium. The talk of £150m banded about is for the whole project, Cas wouldn't get anywhere near that.
Back tracking 6 months or so, many people were saying that the problem Cas had was funding. The murmurs from Cas were that we'd probably have enough money to build, but it may be a staged build or a less fancy stadium. This was at the time we were selling to a housing developer. I've no idea if the housing developer pulled out or stalled or if we chased for a better deal elsewhere but somewhere along the lines Cas found out that selling to such as Opus, with planning permission for a new stadium would be far more beneficial, hence the latest stall.
I hope that gives you an idea of what is happening, without every one else's point scoring, bitching, petty name calling etc that goes off on every single other thread on the boards. I'm no expert, have no insider info, I wasn't talking to an old guy in the market who takes RWs dog for a walk and I don't work for Legoland or any other building construction firm.
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