Just when I was starting to think that my nickname wouldn't mean anything to anyone Uncle Chris does me proud. I am one very annoyed monkey on hearing that Caisley wants back in. The audacity of the bloke. He has more faces than the City Hall clock and runs on a very big, but frail, ego. He has the business sense of a polished house brick and, single-handedly, very nearly brought the club down. Known by staff at Walker-Morris as "the GIA - the Great I Am". I don't dispute his love for the game or his knowledge of its culture and organisation, but please!!!. He is a solicitor, not an accountant, not a businessman, not a money man. He is though a players agent. That tells us a lot. If it takes another 10 years to get back up there I would much rather do it without that man. The current board have had to work damned hard to shovel the sea of s**t he created and he thinks he can just waltz back in??? Fortunately, the board, collectively (apparently) have more than his proportion of shares. I could write a book on the guy (and his dad) and it wouldn't be pleasant. His reputation as an arrogant control freak goes before him and his departure was clearly timed to prevent his ego-driven incompetence being exposed big-time. GH must have been wetting himself. The Ego may not have landed yet but if he's asking for clearance we should watch the skies and shoot on sight - metaphorically speaking, of course.