Quote SLS="SLS":)
It wasn't aimed at anybody in particular, more the general negativity towards him but again, you take it as a personal attack. As for following you around, we've had a couple of discussions over the last week. Prior to that we hadn't conversed in weeks. I'll remind you that you've just quoted me and presumed I'm referring to you when I haven't quoted you. Had I meant you in particular, rest assured you'd have been quoted. Don't let evidence get in the way of you and your little ego though.
We will never agree on Mose. You judge him off the stats sheet. I, and others, see beyond a judging criteria that removes all context.
Tasi will offer workrate. He'll look better on your stats sheets. He won't change games though. He won't offer the sheer dominance that Mose does in big games. I accept that a lot of the time he's lazy but big games he turns up and changes games. Tasi won't provide that.'"
I have got to agree with you on Mose in that he will be missed next year. The intimidation factor is one thing that is not measured in any compiled stats & Mose Masoe brings this to the table in bucket loads. The tackle and then follow through on McIllorum during the recent Wigan game being a prime example of 'showing who is boss' against the oppositions most aggressive player and not just picking on the easy targets will be missed by his current team mates next year.