tad rhino: am I not allowed to word things better?
you really are an angry man just because people don't agree with you.
it's not picking fights, it's opinions.
grow up
It’s not about wording things better you fool, you’re a bare faced liar and a fraud. When I copped you going back and altering your posts retrospectively your exact words were “I was correcting spelling mistakes and amending errors”. The facts are you didn’t correct a single spelling mistake or amend a single error. What you actually did was remove or add about 30 words including full sentences to re frame the post and try to make it more plausible. You realised you were wrong but you’d already started a silly argument that you had no chance of winning. You aren’t a big enough man to hold your hands up and apologise so you start going back and altering posts then lying out of your back teeth. Are you really that insecure that you would come on a forum and start lying in case your ego is damaged ? You normally put little bits of video footage up when you’ve lost an argument to cloud the issue, why don’t you put Solomon’s 7 goals up for this season to show us what an absolute balloon you are . Go on, put them up.